Monday, September 29, 2008

Was Not the Alarm Sounded in 2004?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Drill, Drill, Drill

Ike is causing a run on gas, I guess. This is the Costco in Greenville, SC. I thought about running inside to grab six gallons of milk and eight loaves of bread.

Paid $3.44 for regular, btw.
Monday, September 01, 2008


As Gustav is about to come ashore on the Gulf Coast, a few quetions come to mind:

1) Is Spike Lee staked out with cameras at the levees to see which Bush Administration official pushes the button to blow them up?

2) Did Michael Moore beat Spike to New Orleans to do the same?

3) Who exactly is keeping an eye on GW Bush to document when he gives the order?